How much do you charge?

Private automotive photoshoots start at $50/image with a 5 image minimum. (Includes a personal use non-commercial license)

Vehicle sale listing photoshoots start at $100 for one hour of time and 30 images.

For any job that falls outside of the specific scenarios above aka commercial/advertising photoshoots or retouching please contact me directly for a quote.

Do I ever need to pay upfront?

Some jobs may require a non-refundable retaining fee to hold your booking date and time. The retaining fee will be applied as a credit towards the final invoice.

How are the final images delivered to me?

Images will be sent through a private online gallery which you will receive a link to once completed unless a different method is requested.

Do I outright own the photos I purchase from you?

No. Photos purchased are licensed to you based on usage. I still retain the copyright to the images. Copyright buyouts are available for an additional fee.

Can I share, give, or resell the images I purchase from you to others?

No. Only the copyright holder may give out or sell the images. Photos may only be used by the licensor or licensee unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.

I don't see my questions here!

That's OK please feel free to get a hold of me and ask any questions that you may have. I genuinely enjoy answering questions.

Email: andrew@avimageworks.com