Travel & Landscapes

You learn a lot about yourself when you travel, whether its across the country for days and weeks or even a simple one day trip out to somewhere new. You often hear people say the best photographs are the ones that were hard to get but I would argue the best photos you will ever take are the ones you look at and they vividly remind you of that moment.

The third image in this gallery, a sunrise silhouette of the Four Peaks mountain range is an example of this. While technically its a decent photo it wasn’t hard to pull off or get to. A drive up the mountain to a lookout parking lot was all it took. The reason the photo stands out to me is because I remember getting there with the intention of photographing downtown Phoenix from the top of the lookout and every photo I took I was just not happy with so I stopped and sat down on a rock to just watch the sunrise instead. As I was sitting there staring at the mountains I realized “oh shit that’s the photo!” so I rushed to grab my camera and turn it back on and shot that final image. That photo reminds me that opportunities are everywhere if you are willing to see them.


The Architecture of Electricity